Environmental – Social – Governance

ESG Policy Statement

Mengus’ top priorities are to deliver superior long-term returns and to operate a responsible business. While increasing investor value we embrace the needs of a broad range of stakeholders. Our sustainability work facilitates us to contribute and adjust to the changing demands of society.

Mengus Is Committed To Ambitiously Governed Environmental And Social Sustainability Improvements

Mengus acknowledges the immediate threat of global warming and we support the UN’s 2030 Agenda with its 17 global targets to obtain a sustainable world.

Mengus’ overriding environmental ambition is to be CO2 neutral by 2030. In the short to medium term, Mengus’ environmental efforts are focused on reducing the CO2 emissions from our business by green classification of our properties, reducing energy consumption, signing green leases, using renewable energy and non-toxic building materials, as well as a range of other responsible measures to reduce our environmental footprint.

Mengus’ main contribution to social sustainability is to develop its properties into safe and healthy workplaces that enable good co-operation between people, contribute to well-being, reduce sick-leave, support physical exercise and offer healthy food options. For Mengus as a firm, we adhere to high standards on ethics and morale, cultivate a positive yet demanding and meritocratic culture, offer sound working conditions, strive to obtain a diverse organisation, as well as educate ourselves on ESG matters.

Mengus’ sustainability work is governed by our ESG scorecard which comprises relevant targets on both the environmental and social dimensions, and from both the property and the organisational perspective. The performance is closely monitored and measured by the Management team as well as the Board of Directors and results are reported to the investors.

SFDR article 6 and 5 stars in GRESB

Mengus Stockholm 2019 Group is covered by EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and is classified as an article 6 fund. Our policy for integrating sustainability risk analysis in our investment decisions and our view on adverse sustainability impacts in such decisions are as follows: When making property investments, we diligently assess all types of risks including sustainability related risks. Negative findings are identified, action plans created, and remedy measures priced. Can vital findings not be rectified or accommodated we abort the case. We do however not shy inferior assets in terms of leasing situation, technical state of repair and/or sustainability standing. We believe we are a good and appropriate acquirer and owner of such mismanaged buildings. Our overall sustainability contribution is to recycle old and inefficient properties into modern and sustainable assets. We say that we turn brown properties into green. Improving sustainability factors is indeed an integral and integrated part of our business.

All our properties receive a green classification, we were among the first in Sweden to introduce green leases, our Gate:01 property is the first office property in Sweden to receive a Fitwel classification and is even CO2 neutral (without compensation) in scope 1 and 2 according to the GHG protocol. We also have 5 (out of 5) stars in GRESB – Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark – which further underlines that sustainability is a key element in our strategy.  

Our goal is to be CO2 neutral by 2030.

Daniel Eriksson, Partner

Areas Covered In ESG Scorecard

Properties Organisation
Environmental Social Environmental Social
Energy consumption Customer satisfaction Eco-friendly transportation Ethics & morale
Environmental classification All-inclusiveness, work dimension Environmental classification Company culture
Green leases All-inclusiveness, wellness dimension Renewable electricity Working conditions
Renewable electricity Security & safety Waste management Diversity
Non-toxic building materials   Ecological nutrition Health
Air quality   Biodiversity Security & safety
Waste management   Information & knowledge Social initiatives
Eco-friendly transportation     Information & knowledge

Each scorecard area has one or more measurable objective/-s, for example:

Energy consumption:
<100 kWh/sqm or 25% reduction from acquisition.

Environmental classification:
100% classified buildings according to a well-established classification system – BREEAM, LEED, Miljöbyggnad or Green Building.

Social Initiatives

Mengus supports the good work of The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and The Swedish Child Diabetes Foundation.